Verify license
POST{teamId}/verifyThis is the main license verification endpoint. It should be called when your software starts or is activated. Based on the response, take the appropriate action.
Your team's UUID. You can get this from your team's settings.
Required if 'strict customers' is enabled in the team's settings and at least one customer is assigned to the license.
Required if 'strict products' is enabled in the team's settings and at least one product is assigned to the license.
Any identifier that uniquely identifies the current device. This could be generated from the hardware (HWID) or as a random identifier when the software first starts on the client's machine.
The challenge can be any string. It will be signed on the backend using a private key and returned to the client. On the client side, you should validate the challenge using the corresponding public key.
"licenseKey": "string",
"customerId": "string",
"productId": "string",
"deviceIdentifier": "stringstri",
"challenge": "string"
Request samples
Present if challenge was given
"result": {
"timestamp": "string",
"valid": true,
"details": "string",
"challengeResponse": "string"